Subculture and Tokyo : otaku and the city
Though cities and the societies that make them often undergo change through a variety of external factors, otaku culture has managed to evolve in its own unique way with hardly any influence from other cultures.This special culture is no longer limited to Japan, but in the past few years it has found a worldwide voice, and influences people in a myriad of ways.
This project began several years ago, prompted by a chance encounter at work. The girls I photographed were " talents", "cosplayers" and performers in Tokyo's Akihabara district; supporters of the otaku culture. They are symbols of the numerous Japanese subcultures that have served to lead the cyber-society in which the otaku live.
As talents, these girls are genuinely versatile: some work in television, magazines and radio; some are lyricists and music composers; while other are voice actors for video games and anime productions. And among this talent pool there are even closet otaku, who suppress their tastes and interests as they attend school or work and go about their daily lives. They limit their otaku activity to things like participating in cosplay events on their days off.
Otaku culture is distinctive throughout the world, and these girls played a major part in its formation. I found that the way they expressed themselves was highly original and I was charmed by the yin and yang they offered as photo subjects. Their costumes are all their own designs, a sublimation and personalization of all of their otaku interests.
I was inspired to capture these girls in the same frame as Tokyo's cityscape. I didn't want them simply depicted as old-meets-new contrasts of nostalgic scenes and new cultures or comparisons of everyday Tokyo life with its fringe elements. I wanted to express what results when the girls' are juxtaposed against the metropolis, and from that, hope that others will see the various elements of Tokyo and how they are transfomed into entirely new cultures. I found that shooting these photos had me exploring that vibe and really feel it on a physical level.
Although the number of foreign cultures and customs that are beating a path to Japan is growing, I believe otaku culture will no doubt travel in the opposite direction and gain new legions of fans all around the world. I look forward to its continued evolution and to capturing it on film in the future.
Yoshimitsu Takano
August 2007

株式会社虎の穴 代表取締役
When very young,I was a frequent visitor to Akihabara area, where I was happy to play enough games at the stores. While home appliances were still the primary products offered there, the town was gradually attracting those who loved the most new technological gadgets, such as personal computers and PC games, including radio-controlled models. In recent years,those who are hooked on animation, games, and small dolls modeled on animated television characters have been called 'otaku',dominating the Akihabara cultural scence. What they do is now recognized as a subculture and is developing to give rise to the new generation of fanatics.
In 2001, those young girls who are called Akiba-kei Idols began doing street performances at the Akihabara area. Since then, they have attracted persons of the same tases to the area on weekends, making the area one of the most vibrant entertainment spots in Tokyo. It has added a new character to its own original peculiarity that it resisted to pandering to the ordinary world. This is what makes Akihabara attractive, and draws many enthusiasts to it. Since 2004, the area has shown a rapid change by becoming the most topical place,and making those engaged with madia attentive
Mr.Takano's photograph collection book, Akiba biyori, is invaluable as a record of Akihabara area over a given period of time. Before our eyes, we can have vivid images of the Akiba-kei Idols, and cosplayers (those who represent a japanese subculture of dressing oneself like characters of comic books, animation, and PC games). The phots with billboards that used to be seen at the area are an eyewithness of a changing aspect of the town, and make us remember a lot of things. It is without doubt that there were some peculiar subcultures even in old diners and underneath the railway tracks. Those images are quite fascinating.
Now, the Akihabara area is drawing both domestic and international attention to itself. It will be a more exciting place, if we can send abroad not only animation and games, but aiso an enthusiastic, neofuturistic Akiba culture. The Akihabara area will never lose its fascinating power, I hope!
Hirotaka Yoshida